Page 15 - The Presidency may 2020 _Neat
P. 15
The President’s Digest May 2020 Surmounting CV-19 Challenge
How President Kenyatta outlined measures to
contain spread of Covid-19 from Day One
to mwananchi taking advantage of this situation to for any passengers who may be enroute. This directive
create artificial shortages so that mwananchi is made will remain in effect for the next 30 days or as varied by
to pay more. the National Emergency Response Committee,‖ the
―The Competition Authority has already been given President said.
clear instructions and they will be moving around and Additionally, the President said all persons who have
anybody who is seen to have taken unnecessary and come into Kenya in the last 14 days must self-
undue advantage of this particular crisis to make our quarantine while any person who exhibits symptoms
citizens pay more than they should, serious and severe such as cough or fever should present themselves to
action will be taken against perpetuating that vice,‖ the the nearest health facility for testing.
President said. He announced the suspension of learning activities in
President Kenyatta spoke this evening at Harambee all educational institutions with immediate effect.
House in downtown Nairobi when he addressed the ―Consequently, and to facilitate a phased approach,
nation on the Coronavirus outbreak. primary and secondary day schools are to suspend
The President regretted that some of the measures operations from tomorrow (March 16),‖ the President
taken by the Government may cause inconvenience said.
saying that the interventions are designed to ensure For those in boarding institutions, President Kenyatta
that the spread of the virus is contained. directed schools to ensure that students are home by
―I appeal to all of us to strictly observe these measures. Wednesday, 18th March 2020 while universities and
I would also like to appeal for calm. Kenyans must tertiary institutions are to close by Friday, 20th March
avoid misinformation that causes panic and anxiety,‖ 2020.
the President said. The President advised government offices, businesses
Expressing optimism that the country will overcome the and companies to allow employees to work from home
virus, President Kenyatta said every single Kenyan has with the exception of employees involved in the
a responsibility in containing the outbreak. provision of critical or essential services.
―Let us remember that as Kenyans, we have been In order to avoid the risk of transmission through
faced with other crises in the past, and we have always physical handling of money, President Kenyatta
triumphed by coming together in the spirit of national encouraged the use of cashless transactions such as
unity and cooperation. mobile money and credit cards.
―This pandemic will test us, as it is testing all countries ―We appeal to mobile operators and banks to take into
in every corner of the world, but I do not believe it will consideration the situation and reduce the cost of
defeat us. If we pull together, and everybody does their transactions during this period,‖ he said.
part, we shall overcome its worst impacts,‖ he said. Other measures announced by the Head of State
Following the confirmation of two additional cases, the include a call on citizens to avoid crowded places such
President announced that the Government has as places of worship, minimizing attendance to social
suspended entry for all persons coming into Kenya gatherings including weddings and funerals.
from any country with reported Coronavirus cases. Health CS Mutahi Kagwe and his Education
He said only Kenyan Citizens and foreigners with valid counterpart Prof George Magoha also spoke during the
resident permits will be allowed entry provided they televised address that was attended by several
take up self-quarantine or check into a government Cabinet Secretaries and Head of Public Service Dr
designated quarantine facility. Joseph Kinyua among other senior government
―This will take effect within the next 48 hours to cater officials.