Page 11 - The Presidency may 2020
P. 11
The President’s Digest May 2020 Surmounting CV-19 Challenge
How President Kenyatta outlined measures to
contain spread of Covid-19 from Day One
President Uhuru Kenyatta flanked by top government officials when he made the first announcement on how the country
was and still is responding to containment of Covid-19 pandemic
President Uhuru Kenyatta outlined various proactive
measures the government is undertaking to contain the To safeguard the public from exploitative traders, the
President said severe action will be taken against
spread of Coronavirus in the country.
The President who announced two more cases of people found to be taking advantage of the situation to
confirmed infections by then, assured the country that hoard or increase prices of commodities.
the Government is proactively assessing, containing ―I would like to really emphasize on one point, that we
and managing the virus. will also equally not entertain hoarding or raising prices