Page 28 - Training and Nutrition Secrets for The Truth About Abs
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Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body
alternating bodyweight squats, pushups variations, lunges, and floor abs
exercises continuously for 15-30 minutes. Try to take very short rest periods
or none at all to really amp up the intensity since this will be a brief workout.
If you’re more advanced, you can even incorporate more challenging
exercises like handstand pushups, one-arm pushups, and one-legged
squats into your bodyweight training routines. For those of you that want to
develop crushing strength through bodyweight exercises alone, a great
book that I read a couple years back is called the Naked Warrior by Pavel
5. Ring Training – This type of training basically uses portable gymnastic rings
that you can take anywhere with you. You throw the straps up over any high
bar like a pullup bar, the top of a power rack, or even over a football field
goal crossbar. Then you can quickly adjust the rings to do exercises like ring
dips, ring pushups, ring pull-ups, hanging leg raises, horizontal body rows,
L-sits, and more. Dips and pushups on the rings are my favorites and the
rings really make them a hell of a lot more difficult, while also incorporating
your stabilizer muscles to a much greater degree. The rings allow your joints
to move in a more natural pattern and can help you prevent or even recover
from shoulder injuries. Personally, when I try dips on a normal dip stand, it
hurts my shoulders. However, dips on the training rings feel perfect, and
also give me a much better muscle pump. The training rings are one of the
best training devices I’ve ever bought. Give them a try…I think you’ll like
them if you’re up for a challenge. Ever notice the impressive upper body
development of gymnasts… yep, that’s mostly due to the rings! Visit for more info.
6. Swimming – A great full body workout that stresses the muscles and joints
in a much different way than most resistance training. Incorporating
swimming workouts once or twice a week into your normal training routings
can really enhance your physique. I recommend trying a “sprint” style
swimming workout, which will help more for building muscle compared with