Page 5 - Preisliste Geschäftskunde (Mallek´s Gourmetträume)
P. 5

Nougat de Provence
    (in Laiben; ca. 3,5 - 4,5 Kg je Stk.; MHD: 12 Monate)
    (in loafs; app. 3,5 - 4,5 kg p.p.; best before: 12 months)
                                                                 ART.NR.    KG PR.     VE                 recomm.
    GESCHMACKSRICHTUNGEN (flavours):                                                         min. selling
                                                                 Art.No.    kg price   Unit              retail price /
                                                                                              price / kg
    Nougatlaibe (nougatloafs) verpackt in 6 Laiben je VE (packed in 6 loafs per unit)
    " Miel-Amande " (Mandel - Honig  / honey-almond)              101001     28,00 €    6      64,90 €     64,90 €
    " Pistache " (Pistazie / pistachio)                           101002     28,00 €    6      64,90 €     64,90 €
    " Café Chocolat " (Cafe-Schoko / coffee-chocolat)             101003     28,00 €    6      64,90 €     64,90 €
    " Gingembre " (Ingwer / ginger)                               101004     28,00 €    6      64,90 €     64,90 €
    " Caramel au Beurre Salé "                                    101005     28,00 €    6      64,90 €     64,90 €
    (Caramell mit gesalzener Butter / caramel with salted butter)
    " Cranberry " (Cranberry / cranberry)                         101006     28,00 €    6      64,90 €     64,90 €
    " Incaberry Chocolat "                                        101007     28,00 €    6      64,90 €     64,90 €
    (Physalis-Schoko / physalis (ground-cherry)-chocolat)
    " Châtaigne " (Marone – Chestnut)                             101008     28,00 €    6      64,90 €     64,90 €
    " Noisette Praline " (Haselnuss-Praline / hazelnut-praline)   101009     28,00 €    6      64,90 €     64,90 €
    " Orange Cannelle " (Orange-Zimt / orange-cinnamon)           101010     28,00 €    6      64,90 €     64,90 €
    " Lavande " (Lavendel / lavender)                             101011     28,00 €    6      64,90 €     64,90 €
    " Figue Datte " (Feige-Dattel / figs and dates)               101012     28,00 €    6      64,90 €     64,90 €
                                                   Pasta di Mandorla

    (weiches Mandelgebäck aus Sizilien; MHD: 6 Monate)
    (Soft almond cookies from Sicila; best before: 6 months)
                                                                 ART.NR.    Preis/kg   VE                 recomm.
    GESCHMACKSRICHTUNGEN (flavours):                                                         min. selling
                                                                 Art.No.    Price/kg   Unit                retail
    verpackt in 3kg je VE (packed in 3kg per unit)
    " Mandorla - Classico " (Mandel-Classic / almond-classic)     201001     17,55 €    1       44,90       44,90
    " Pistacchio " (Pistazie / pistachio)                         201002     17,55 €    1       44,90       44,90
    " Amarena " (Amarena-Kirsch / amarena-cherry)                 201003     17,55 €    1       44,90       44,90
    " Cioccolato - Mandorla " (Schoko-Mandel / chocolat-almond)   201004     17,55 €    1       44,90       44,90
    " Nocciola - Nougat " (Nuss - Nougat / hazelnut-nougat)       201005     17,55 €    1       44,90       44,90
    " Arancia " (Orange / orange)                                 201008     17,55 €    1       44,90       44,90
    " Limone " (Limone / lemon)                                   201009     17,55 €    1       44,90       44,90
    " Mocca " (Mocca / mocha)                                     201011     17,55 €    1       44,90       44,90
    " Coco-Mandorla" (Kokosnuss-Mandel / coconut-almond)          201015     17,55 €    1       44,90       44,90
    " Cioccolato - Rum " (Schoko-Rum / chocolat-rum)              201017     17,55 €    1       44,90       44,90
    " Mandarino " (Mandarine / mandarin)                          201020     17,55 €    1       44,90       44,90
    "Vanille " (vanille / vanille)                                201010     17,55 €    2       44,90       44,90
    " Limoncello "  (Limoncello / limoncello)                     201028     17,55 €    1       44,90       44,90
                                                     Pan de Fruta
    " PAN DE FRUTA "
    (Spanisches Früchtebrot; MHD 12 - 18 Monate)
    (spanish Fruit "bread"; best before 12 - 18 months)
                                                                                                MVP         UVP
                                                                 ART.NR.    STCK.PR.   VE
    GESCHMACKSRICHTUNGEN (Flavours):                                                         min. selling   recomm.
                                                                 Art.No.   Piece price  unit
                                                                                                price    retail price
    " PAN DE HIGO " (Feige-Mandel / fig-almonds)
    In Schrumpffolie gepackt; ohne Überhang; MHD 12 Monate (shrink film are not overhang; best before: 12 months)
    Runder Laib-5kg - 2 x 2,5kg Halbmond/Box - Preis/kg           301007     7,52 €     1      34,90 €     44,90 €
    (Round shape - 5kg - 2 x 2,5kg Half moon per box – price/kg)
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