Page 30 - Reeds Knot Handbook
P. 30
perFectIon loop
This is a popular knot as it can be tied through a ring and
remains secure. It is the easiest way to tie a small loop that is
perfectly in line with the standing part of a rope or line. The
perfection loop (or angler’s loop) can also be used to attach
a rope to a mooring ring or other anchorage point, but it is
essential to tie it with an end for this purpose.
The perfection loop is believed to date back to the 17th
century and has been credited to Izaak Walton, the author overhand Knots and hItches
of The Compleat Angler, although this has never been fully
confirmed. It can be tied at speed, although it does have a
tendency to jam in natural fibre ropes. It is a strong, secure
knot, but bear in mind that once it is pulled tight it is almost
impossible to untie, so only use it when a permanent knot is
Next, pass the working
end behind the standing
part of the rope and
‘weave’ it back through
the knot as shown here.
Pull gently to tighten the
Rev_Reeds_Knots_inside pages.indd 29 16/07/2012 23:32