Page 44 - Reeds Knot Handbook
P. 44

The figure-of-eight hitch is extremely simple and quick to
                tie and is classed as a true general purpose knot. It forms
                a secure fixing to an immovable object but works best on
                posts, rails or rings that are larger in diameter than the cord
                or rope being used. Its security comes from the fact that the
                working end twists back on itself, trapping it between the
                fixed object and the knot itself.             FIgure-oF-eIght Knots
                  It is easy to untie but should be used with caution on
                nylon based cords or ropes as it can slip. For demonstration
                purposes we are using a horizontal post.

                                         Push the working end
                                         through the loop made in
                                         Step 1. The knot should
                                         now have its distinctive
                                         figure-of-eight shape.

                                         Tighten the knot by
                                         snugging it up to the post
                                         and pulling the two ends
                                         of the rope in opposite


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