Page 8 - Reeds Knot Handbook
P. 8
crossIng Knots
Clove hitch in the bight 68 Pole lashing 76
Ground-line hitch 70 Sailor’s gripping hitch 78
Midshipman’s hitch 72 Snuggle hitch 80
Rolling hitch 74
wrap and tucK Knots
Angler’s loop 82 Jack Ketch’s knot 94
Common rope seizing 84 Perfected whipping 96
Common whipping 88 Scaffold knot 100
Constrictor knot 90 Triple fisherman’s
Heaving line knot 92 knot 102
other useFul Knots
Alpine butterfly knot 104 Lighterman’s hitch 116
Carrick bend 106 Monkey’s fist 120
Catspaw 108 Mooring hitch 122
Halyard hitch 110 Ossel knot 124
Jury mast knot 112 Post hitch 126
Knute knot 114
Index 128
Rev_Reeds_Knots_inside pages.indd 7 16/07/2012 23:31