Page 25 - Peter Owen - Knots
P. 25
holding onto a guard rail with the other.
Although it is often recommended as a mooring
knot, the clove hitch is not, however, totally
secure if the strain is intermittent and at an
The name clove hitch first appeared in inconstant angle, and while it will afford a
Falconer's Dictionary of the Marine in the 18th temporary hold, it should be replaced by
century, but the knot was probably known for something more stable as soon as is practicable.
centuries before then. Adding a stopper knot or making one or two
The main advantage of the clove hitch is that, half hitches around the standing part of the
given practise, it can be tied around a post with rope will make the knot more secure,
I just one hand, which makes it particularly Campers often use it to secure tent poles,
U useful for sailors who may, for example, need which is the origin of one of its alternative
to tie a dinghy to a ballard with one hand while names, the peg knot.