Page 32 - Peter Owen - Knots
P. 32

/                                                               ~ ROLLING HITCH

                                                                       Also known as: M AGNER'S  /fiTCH,  MAGNUS HITCH
                                                                       This useful knot is basically a clove hitch with
                                                                       the first turn repeated. It is employed by both
                                                                       mariners and mountaineers and is the most
                                                                       effective way of securing a small rope to a larger
                                                                       line that is under strain. As long as the smaller
                                                                       rope is perpendicular to the larger, the knot will
                                                                       slide easily along; once tension is exerted on the
                                                                       standing pari and working end of the smaller
                                                                       rope, the knot locks in position. If you place
                                                                       your hand over the knot and slide it along the   m
                                                                       thicker line it will slide off the end and uncoil
                                                                       into a straight length of rope.
                                                                         The name rolling hitch has been used since
                                                                       the 1840s; before then the knot was known as
                                                                       magner's or magnus hitch.


                Tire maill /Jen(fttofflr~
                Rollillg hitch is its ability to
                s/idetQsily%llg Ot( lint to
                which it iso/taclitd. Dileo/
                Ih~ traditiO/la/llses of/he
                lorol is formakillg Ihejlag
                irlllyard/as/ to IlIebllrgce staff
                or for hoislirrg thelIa/yard


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