Page 2 - Paragraph_Neat
P. 2
Step 4: Write your paragraph.
1 The finados holiday is important for my city because in this day we celebrate La Colada
Morada, El Rey Pan and Day of the death.
2 First, [In the schools, high schools and jobs people drink La colada morada and they select el
Rey Pan]. 3 They should choose Miss Colada Morada and Rey pan. 4 They have to organice the
program to drink the delicious Colada Morada with the Guagua de pan. 5 Later, [the people
can go the different concerts that there are in the city. For example, there are concerts in the
Atrio de la Catedral, and La Explanada]. 6 In these places you can hear much noise and it’s
complicated to communicate. 7 Finally, [The people can go to visit their dead family and they
can buy flowers and clean graves]. 8. This day is important because the people can remember
their dead family.
149 words.
8 sentences.