Page 9 - The Knot Handbook by Maria Costantino
P. 9

The Jansik
          special  is  a  very
          strong  hitch.
                                                 peasant, rose  to  become  the  king  of Phrygia.
                                                 As  ruler, he  no  longer  need  his farm  cart, so
                                                 he  tied  the  harness  traces  into  an  intricate
   z                                             knot and presented it as an offering to the god
   1-                                            Zeus  in  his  temple.  No  one  seemed  able  to
   ::::>                                         untie  the  knot  and  the  oracle  of  the  temple
   0         ~                                   prophesied  that  whoever  undid  the  Gordian
   1-         ~  th e  cave-dwellers  who  learned  to   Knot  was  destined  to  be  the  ruler  of all Asia.
                 hunt  and  fish  and  needed  knots  for   When  Alexander  the  Great  saw  the  knotty
            ~...   ,  then- bows and arrows, traps, fishing   problem  before  him, he  wasted  no  time:  he
            ~      nets and  Imes. Archaeological  ev1-  severed  the  knot  with  his  sword. Technically,
          dence  some  10,000  years  old  shows  that   the  knot  was  undone  and  the  prophecy  was
          Neolithic  n1an  used  overhand  knots,  half-  fulfill ed, and  consequ ently  today  'cutting  the
          hitches, clove  hitches,  reef knots and  nooses.   Gordian Knot' means to act quickly and deci-

             T hroughout history,  and across  the world,   sively in a difficult situation.
          kn ots and knotted cords  have been important:   Although each knot serves  a different pur-
          they  have  been  used  as  calendars and  records   pose,  it  really  isn't  necessary  to  know  hun-

          of important events, as  tallies  to  record  trading   dreds  of knots. After  all, Neolithic  man  sur-
          transactions  and  as  mnemonic  devices  to  cue   vived  with  j ust  a  handful!  However,  it  is
          the  memory.  It  is  likely  that  the  abacus,  the   important  to  understand  how different knots
          forerunner  of  today's  calculators,  and  the   are best suited to the conditions in w hich they
          rosary  that  is  used  to  count  off prayers,  were   are  to  be  used.
          both  devised  from  simple  knotted  cords.
             Knots also  fea ture  in  myth ology. T he most
          fam.ous  mythological  knot  is  the  Gordian
          Knot. T he legend goes  that  Gordius,  a simple

          Qi  'h ~                                            The  sheet bend  is  unusual
                                                              in  that  it  can  be  tied
                                                              using  two  different
                                                              diameters  of rope .
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