Page 7 - December 2020
P. 7

untried possibilities, and open to new                  with all the intelligence and wisdom I

        ideas that seem to work for others, we                  have accrued thus far in this lifetime.”
        will ultimately establish a new version of  Finally, we can all work consciously on our

        reality, that really works, as well as the              personal relationship with “The Force”,
        systems to support it.  It will take the                which is with us in all things and at all
        collaborative effort of the entire village,             times.  May it be strong and fully engaged

        but we’ll be okay.                                      with you and yours throughout this holiday
                                                                season, and beyond!

        On the personal level, each of us must
        examine our own relationship to the                       “How do I know all this?  Because I’m
        sign of Aquarius, our feelings about                                          crazy.

        the obvious signs of Aquarian ways of                     You can always trust the information
        thinking and principles now taking hold                    given you by people who are crazy:

        on the collective level, and the New Age                 They have access to truth not available
        Avatars already appearing among us.  We                          through regular channels.”
        can all try a little harder to move beyond                (Sheila Ballantyne, Norma Jean, the

        the tendency to judge life from our own                                 Termite Queen)
        limited perspective and experience the
        world with greater curiosity and objectivity.   by Kimberly McSherry

        We can all try a little harder to live the
        mantra:  “This isn’t good, this isn’t bad,              Kimberly McSherry has been a student

        this is just energy to which I will respond             of Astrology and a professional educator
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