Page 3 - December 2024
P. 3

From the


        Greetings, dear friends!                               deadline, and her creativity shines in

        It brings me great joy to present the                  every issue. Thank you, Stephanie, for
        December edition of My Indigo Sun.                     your dedication and artistry!!!

        This month, we’re proud to feature
        a record number of outstanding                         Dear friends, I want you to know that
        contributors exploring a variety of                    this magazine is truly a labor of love.

        fascinating metaphysical topics: astrology,  Stephanie, my husband, and I work largely
        numerology, Jungian psychology,                        as volunteers. If you feel our efforts are worth

        palmistry, quantum spirituality, and                   supporting, I humbly invite you to consider a
        much more. We warmly welcome new                       paid subscription for just $18 a year or make
        holistic healers to our pages and celebrate  a donation in any amount you’re able. Every

        the return of familiar friends who have                bit of support helps us continue this work.
        journeyed with us in the past.

                                                               There are also other ways to help us
        As we mark the 71st regular edition of our             grow! Please consider writing a Google
        magazine in its digital format, I can’t help           review for us and/or please share My

        but reflect on how much we’ve grown over  Indigo Sun with your friends, family, and
        the years. I like to imagine Ginger McCord,  communities on social media or by word

        the magazine’s visionary founder, smiling              of mouth. And this season, why not give
        down on us from the other side of the                  the gift of enlightenment? We’re happy
        rainbow. Since she began this endeavor in              to offer up to five free subscriptions per

        1993, her dream has continued to flourish,  person to share with like-minded loved
        providing our readers with inspiration,                ones. Simply email me at katerina@

        insights, and tools for personal growth and with the names and
        natural healing.                                       email addresses of those you’d like to gift.

        I’d like to take a special moment to                   Thank you for being part of our journey!
        express my heartfelt gratitude to our                  Your support, encouragement, and

        talented designer, Stephanie Westbrook.                connection mean the world to us.
        From the very first digital edition,                   Wishing you a joyful December filled
        Stephanie has been an unwavering                       with light and love!

        cornerstone of this magazine. Despite
        facing profound personal challenges                    Katerina and MIS Team

        at times, she has never once missed a
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