Page 31 - October 2021
P. 31

Information NOT Found in the

 Mainstream Media

                  Medical Mandates Make People Quit their Jobs

           An interview with a police officer who handed in his badge after 30 years of service.

           Thousands of Physicians and Medical Scientists Sign

                                           “Rome Declaration”

           An international alliance of physicians and medical scientists met in Rome, Italy on
            September 12 – 14, 2021 for a three-day Global COVID Summit to speak “truth to
                           power about COVID pandemic research and treatment.”
             Over 7,800 physicians and medical scientists worldwide have signed the “Rome
             Declaration” to alert citizens about the deadly consequences of Covid-19 policy
          makers’ and medical authorities’ unprecedented behavior; behavior such as denying
          patient access to lifesaving early treatments, disrupting the sacred, physician-patient
               relationship and suppressing open scientific discussion for profits and power.
               In concert with the declaration, the signatories have created a “Doctors - and
             Scientists-only” COVID information platform so that citizens can make informed
               decisions for their families without interruption, manipulation, politicization, or

                 profiteering from external forces outside of the doctor-patient relationship.

                Read the text of the declaration and learn more about a new platform here.

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