Page 17 - July 2021
P. 17

Look at this picture and you can clearly
                                                               see a resemblance between the structure

                                                               of the branches and leaves and the
                                                               structure of our lungs!  Pretty cool, eh?

                                                               So, it should not surprise you that
                                                               essential oils made from the leaves of

                                                               a plant help to support our respiratory
                                                               system.  Simply breathe in Eucalyptus,

                                                               Wintergreen, Peppermint, or Rosemary
                                                               essential oils to feel invigorated, as
                                                               oxygen floods your airways!

                                                               Peppermint essential oil is well known

                                                               and extremely versatile!  Let’s explore
                                                               the multitude of uses with this crowd

                                                                      Health Benefits of Peppermint

                                                                                 Essential Oil
                                                               • Easy breathing is as simple as taking
                                                               the cap off and inhaling in the vapors of

                                                               your Peppermint essential oil.
                                                               • Dilute and apply Peppermint topically

                                                               to the chest to support clear breathing.*
                                                               • For a humidifying experience, add a
                                                               drop of Peppermint oil to a steaming cup

                                                               of hot water and inhale deeply for a few

                                                               • I love to combine with a drop of Lemon
                                                               and Black Pepper essential oils as a
                                                               natural way to safeguard against seasonal

                                                               and environmental threats.  Add a few
                                                               drops to your diffuser to blanket the

                                                               room with protection!*
                                                               • Are you open to using essential oils
                                                               internally?  When ingested, Peppermint

                                                               essential oil promotes healthy respiratory
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