Page 10 - November 2023
P. 10

External Uses of Castor Oil

        Applied externally, castor oil helps to
        improve blood circulation and insulate

        the body by providing warmth. It can also
        be applied to scaly skin to soothe redness,
        dryness, and burning sensation. It is given

        as an enema after processing with other
        herbs to treat conditions such as ascites,

        sciatica, and lower back pain, especially
        when there is a dominance of vata dosha
        (air + space elements). Castor oil can be

        applied to hair on the head and eyebrow
        hair to promote hair growth. A drop of

        castor oil in the eyes is not only useful as
        a lubricant for treating dry eye syndrome,
        but also a natural antimicrobial agent that

        can improve vision.

        Topical warm, castor oil packs have
        been used for many years in holistic
        practices for relieving pain, swellings,

        cysts, endometriosis, gout, and other
        disorders. New methods avoid some

        of the messiness of castor oil spilling
        onto the skin. Similarly, applying a drop
        of castor oil in the belly button can be

        helpful for removing bloating, gas, and
        even for treating constipation.

        Some Ayurvedic Home Remedies

        using Castor Leaves*

        - Muscle Swelling: Grind mature leaves
        into a fine paste, add a little salt, and

        warm the paste. Apply over the swollen
        muscles to reduce pain and inflammation.

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