Page 3 - November 2023
P. 3

From the


        Happy November, Dear Friends!

        I am excited to present our new edition we  products, we are offering free advertising
        put together with the help of our excellent             space in our magazine. Please reach out to

        contributors and my wonderful team.                     me if you’re interested.

        We welcome back Rebeca Eigen,                           I have immensely enjoyed researching
        who shares her profound wisdom                          the pineal gland, connecting past
        in navigating relationships through                     wisdom with modern knowledge. I hope

        conflicts. Her insights are particularly                you find this topic as fascinating as I did.
        timely and relevant for many these days.                This edition also includes astrological

        We are also happy to read articles of our               and numerological insights for the 11th
        Ayurvedic practitioner Uma Hingorani,                   month of the year.
        this time she offers her recommendations

        on the often underappreciated yet                       Don’t miss our announcements and
        powerful natural remedy, castor oil.                    an invitation to contribute. For details,

                                                                please visit pages 12, 14, and 21.
        We continue to read labels and decipher
        the confusing language surrounding                      As always, we welcome your feedback

        harmful ingredients, which are alarmingly  and look forward to hearing from you!
        common in skincare products. If anyone

        in our community produces and sells                     In Joy,
        pure, natural, and high-quality skincare

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