Page 30 - November 2023
P. 30

Avocado and Smoked

        Salmon Bites

         This smokey, creamy and slightly crunchy appetizer has a bright and fresh flavor,

                       is quick to make, and can be easily made in large quantities!

        10 pieces of cheese crisps, such as                    Scoop out the other half of the avocado

        Whisps brand                                           into a bowl. Mash it with a fork and mix
        1 package smoked salmon                                well with lemon juice, onion and salt.
        1 avocado

        1 tsp finely diced onion                               Lay out cut strips of smoked salmon.
        2 tbsp lemon juice                                     Layer with the avocado mash and

        Pinch of salt                                          a dusting of ground cheese crisps.
        2 slices of lemon                                      Carefully roll the strips into pinwheels.
                                                               Secure with a toothpick.

                                                               Serve with sliced avocados and lemon

        Grind the cheese crisps in a food                      wedges.

        Scoop out half the avocado and slice
        it thin. Squeeze the lemon juice over                  Notes:

        the avocado to prevent it from turning
        brown.                                                 Adjust recipe to match however many
                                                               bites are needed.

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