Page 3 - December 2023 edition
P. 3
Swadling Pro or Con?
It is often believed that swaddling makes a baby feel
as they did in the womb. However, in the womb, a
baby has the freedom of movement.
Some babies find the gentle pressure of swaddling
calming and comforting. It can also possibly be
helpful to babies that were exposed to toxic
substances prenatally.
Swaddling can help some babies sleep more soundly
by preventing the startle reflex that can wake them.
However, while swaddling can have benefits, it's
essential to consider its potential impact on primitive
reflexes being retained, motor development and a
reduction of self-soothing by sucking on their hands
and fingers.
It is important to consider what each individual baby
actually needs and desires. It is also important to
monitor a baby's developmental milestones and
adjust swaddling practices. As a child grows, their
need for unrestricted movement becomes more
By Deborah McNelis, M.Ed
“Swaddling, like many other things when it
comes to newborns, will look different for
different babies. Some don't sleep as well
without a swaddle, others communicate that
they don't prefer to be swaddled. Bottom line,
observe your baby and be responsive. Follow
guidelines for proper swaddling, always allow
some freedom of movement and follow their
cues. With my own children and the babies we
fostered, some loved to be snuggled in a
swaddle, others preferred to be free to move. And
I only swaddled my babies in the first
month or so.”
-Ann Mckitrick, Early Childhood Specialist &
Parenting Coach, Nurtured Nogins
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