Page 26 - April 2022
P. 26
Global Insights........
The important challenging possibilities April 16-21: A challenging period for
for April include: the United States and particularly for
March 20 - May 30: A strong possibility President Biden and his administration
of political turmoil in the United States in dealing with foreign matters. Terrorist
of America, Russia and/or China as well activities and violence are likely to occur
as tensions rising among these nations. in the United States besides the volatile
April 4-6: A short term but very region of the Ukraine and Russia.
intensive friction between India and April 19 - May 11: A sudden change
Pakistan is likely. More killing and (either positive or negative) in
violence in Ukraine is likely to continue. relationship between USA and Russia
Violence in Israel-Palestine area will and at the same time magnificent
be on rise. Strong occurrences of both advances in science and technology
natural and man-made calamities are through innovations, inventions, and
real possibilities. discoveries.
April 6-8: Natural and man-made April 29 - June 18: Social or political
calamities causing destruction and loss turmoil in Russia and/or China.
of lives all around the world, especially in
Europe and Asia. The important auspicious possibilities
April 11-17: Social and economic for April include:
turmoil in Russia and China. Covert April 10-16: Religions around the world
activities around the world may find are likely to enjoy their activities with
a new momentum (but because of positive experiences. People are likely
Neptune’s secretive character we may to be convinced with the importance of
never know) with regard to terrorism moral values and have no difficulty in
and other international conflicts. maintaining their religious faith.
April 14-19: A rise in barbaric activities April 7-17: Extraordinary challenges are
all around the world. Terrorists are likely likely for world religious leaders to face.
to be successful in creating confusion Those religious leaders, who are willing
and chaos. Social turmoil in Europe and to be open minded and act on new and
Middle East is more likely. Religious fresh ideas, are the ones that going to be
activities could get stalled for no responsible to transform our religious
apparent reason. world to a new level. Others are going to
fade away with time.