Page 20 - November 2021
P. 20


        Writing this article was both - one                    - Who is saying what, and what

        of the easiest things for me to take                   benefit could they be getting from

        on, and at the same time, one of                       spreading their information?
        the most difficult. On one hand, I

        specialize in helping my clients build  I wrote down anything that stood

        foundations of wellness - something  out and simply noticed what
        detoxification is an essential part                    messages naturally came together. I

        of. On the other hand, information                     strongly encourage each and every

        about the Covid-19 vaccine is so                       one of you to do the same.

        warped and controversial, so I
        couldn’t get any straight answers.                     Though I won’t express all the

                                                               opinions I developed, I did come

        This is when I engaged what I like to  to a universal conclusion: There is
        call “observational common sense”.                     risk involved with the vaccine, and

        With complete neutrality, I began                      it should be treated with the same

        researching everything I could about  caution and consideration as any
        Covid-19 and the vaccine. I aimed to  other medication.

        answer these questions for myself:

        - How do they work?                                    We’ve all seen those drug commercials:

        - Positive and negative effects?                       “Side effects may include *nearly 2
        - What’s in the mainstream media                       minutes of side effects*”

        and what’s being banned?

        - What are other governments doing  However, it’s always followed up
        and how are their citizens reacting?                   with: “Talk to your doctor about

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