Page 4 - December 2021
P. 4

Gaining the Power

                                              of Sound

                                           Audio version of the article:

        The use of sacred chants                                                   and bring the listeners back

        has become incredibly                                                      to the present moment
        popular since 2013,                                                        with the sound of chimes.
        when Oprah and Deepak

        Chopra launched their first                                                As a master’s student
        of what would become a                                                     studying the language of

        successful series of 21 day                                                Sanskrit, I was trained to
        meditation challenges.                                                     understand the potency
        As an assignment from                                                      and power of this ancient

        my PhD professor back                                                      mother tongue. My
        then, I began following                                                    professors were very

        the global phenomena to                                                    particular and taught me
        report back about what                                                     the importance of perfect
        was being used as tools                                                    pronunciation. They

        for the participants. The                                                 remain valued friends and
        experiences focused on a                                                 teachers as I continue to

        variety of wellness topics                             study, publish and teach this topic.
        ranging from self-love to manifestation.
        Each day recipients received encouraging               When I questioned my one of my

        thoughts by Oprah followed by a new                    professors about the mispronunciation
        mantra each day presented with little                  presented in the meditation challenge

        explanations from Chopra. He would then                style I had encountered—my esteemed
        lead a meditation with background music                professor said this to me:

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