Page 7 - February 2024
P. 7

This makes us both the receivers and                   us navigate life with far better end results.
        the transmitters of reality-forming                    When several sources indicate the same

        information. Getting back to the Tolkien               thing, where there’s smoke there’s usually
        - Gnostic vision of the fall of spirit, the            fire. Hopefully, the confluence of science

        theme is that we used our creative powers  and mysticism pointing in the same
        to mess with the master plan, a story                  direction inspires you to realize that the
        echoed in many religious and spiritual                 mysteries of life can be better understood.

        traditions. The Source created a river of
        life. The multitude of conscious spirit                There is a payoff to spiritual pursuits

        beings was meant to help guide the course  grounded in both subjectively and
        of the river within the parameters of                  objectively derived information. No
        the One. Instead, some of them jumped                  matter your mindset, raising your

        into the river and kind of polluted it,                conscious awareness of how reality
        redirecting it with their own desires, and             operates affords you a decided edge in life.

        voila, here we are in the material world
        so low on the ladder of consciousness,                 Give it a try.
        so wrapped up in expressing our

        individuality that most of us have                                       Peter Canova
        forgotten our origin and purpose.                                        The author of the 25 X

                                                                                 award-winning First Souls
        The good news is that armed with this                                    Trilogy and has contributed
        knowledge, we can raise our frequencies                                  to the popular Chicken

        by tracing back the energy to our Source.                                Soup for the Soul series.
        This is where study, meditation, and                   His latest publication, Quantum Spirituality,

        contemplation come into play as important              received 4 titles in The American Book
        tools to experience the guiding benefits of            Fest’s 2023 Best Book Awards.
        higher consciousness which in turn helps               (

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