Page 12 - October 2022
P. 12

Libra -

             The Peacemaker

        The sign of Libra which is the 7th
        sign of the zodiac (approximately
        Sept 23rd through October 24th) and

        developmentally this sign is when we
        begin to take others into consideration.

        The sign of Libra is the natural ruler
        of the 7th house and is the sign most
        interested in relating to others. Libra

        is also seeking to be objective as it is at
        the 180˚ opposition in the chart. This

        describes two opposite characteristics in
        the psyche that will need to be expressed
        in proportion to each other. This aptly

        describes the symbol of Libra in the
        scales. It implies that in partnership we

        will be required to consciously create
        balance with our significant other.

        Libra is also a cardinal sign (self-
        motivating), active in social affairs and              trait because they want to be seen as

        good at organizing people. Ruled by                    ‘nice.’ This niceness can tell a lot of little
        the planet Venus, Libras have a flair for              white lies in trying to keep peace. This
        art and creativity as well as a need for               can be detrimental to their well-being

        beauty, symmetry, and balance. This                    and desire to relate authentically.
        need for balance extends into relating

        skills as they are also very aware of                  Positively, Libra is also interested in
        equality and keeping things fair. They                 ideas and concepts as it is an air sign and
        are strongly identified with being kind,               therefore very mental in its orientation

        considerate, willing to reach out to                   to life. So, thinking, reflecting, and
        support the needs of others. Negatively,               becoming objective in their relationships

        this strong need for others can become                 is very important to Libra. Nothing is a
        wishy washy, equivocating, placating and               one-way street. In the end, they strive to
        indirect. Fence-sitting is another Libran              meet their partners halfway.

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