Page 4 - October 2022
P. 4

New Beginnings

                                                                                                       Part 7

                                        Falling in Love

                             Starts with Projection

          “The factors which come together in the              is made up largely of her history with
           coniunctio are conceived as opposites,              her father, brothers, or any significant

         either confronting one another in enmity  early experiences with men. This inner
              or attracting one another in love.”              masculine helps her to achieve her goals,

          — Carl Jung, Mysterium Conuinctionis,                gives her greater intellectual clarity, helps
                           paragraph 1                         her have clearer boundaries and becomes
                                                               a mediator between her ego and her

        Unless we can experience retrieving our                unconscious. This unconscious inner
        shadow which is a very long and laborious              male is her God (soul) image that gets

        process, we may never be able to understand  projected onto a man in the outer world.
        the masculine and feminine contra-sexual               As inner and outer create a mirroring
        images in our unconscious which Carl Jung  effect, she will discover a great deal

        called the “Anima” and “Animus.” These                 about her masculine inner partner by
        images, deep within our unconscious began  identifying characteristics of the person

        with our first experience of the opposite sex  upon whom the projection lands.
        — our mother and father.
                                                               According to Jung, a man faces a similar

        A woman carries an image of her                        dilemma. When a man projects his
        male counterpart, her “Animus,” who                    perfect God (soul) image onto a woman,

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