Page 17 - February 2023
P. 17

Beginning of upheaval in Social Media Industries

        On January 17, Saturn returned to                       However, some of the prominent
        the sidereal Aquarius and will stay in                  social media companies will likely to
        Aquarius until March 29, 2025. What                     go under and become replaced with

        does Saturn in the sidereal Aquarius                    new ones as a part of Saturn/Pluto’s
        mean?                                                   transformation process.

        Aquarius being the air (intelligence)                   Those who have Saturn in Aquarius
        and fixed (perseverance) sign, Saturn’s                 (Saturn return) in their natal charts have

        energy will likely be strongly reflected                already been experiencing Saturn’s energy
        in the scientific research that deal with               as their lives transformed to new settings

        information technology which help us                    due to a drastic change mostly at mental
        collectively come together to a new level               and psychological levels. In my opinion,
        of understanding of the world. As a                     despite a painful period of frustration

        result, philanthropists, social reformers,              due to unexpected drastic changes in
        philosophers, scientists, spiritual leaders             life, it’s going to be an exciting period for

        (not religious leaders) and peace-makers  those who have dominant Saturn in their
        will shape our world with better clarity                birth chart and have Aries, Taurus, Virgo,
        and purpose.                                            or Sagittarius as their natal ninefold

                                                                (Navamansha) ascendant.

                     Russian-Ukraine war and senseless killings

        While the intensity of Russian-Ukraine                 different level. It is likely to become more
        war may seem to be diminishing, this war               intense in Cyber-space. Until the Russian

        is very likely to continue on and off for              president Putin loses his grip and becomes
        a long time.  It will still continue but at a          powerless, this war is not going to end.

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