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Vivex strives to create treatment options and solutions that will improve clinical, surgical, CARE THROUGH INNOVATION
and therapeutic patient care through innovation. Under the guidance of experienced and
successful business professionals, Vivex tasks the brightest minds from the medical and
material science industries to explore new and different ways to help others. Vivex works 45+ YEARS OF SERVICE
with services that are committed to providing care and compassion to donor families while
inspiring communities to share life through their donation. Partnering with families in the
prospect of regenerative options, Vivex assures appropriate options are available to support
regeneration and translation of their gifts. 2,000,000+ ALLOGRAFTS
Throughout its history, the University of Miami Tissue Bank (UMTB ) has been a worldwide
leader in bone transplantation and tissue banking. UMTB was founded in 1970 as the U.S.
Navy Tissue Bank curtailed its service to civilian patients. Recognizing the potential 0 CASES OF DISEASE
therapeutic loss attending this change, Theodore I. Malinin, MD, trained and experienced
in tissue banking at the U.S. Navy Tissue Bank Naval Medical Research Institute, adopted TRANSMISSION
the protocols and tissue banking techniques used by this organization in founding the
University of Miami Tissue Bank. By the 1990s, the University of Miami Tissue Bank was
not only one of the oldest, but recognized as one of the largest and most well-respected
tissue banks in the country. UMTB has assisted in the organization of new tissue banks
throughout the United States and abroad. It has also provided training for personnel from
other tissue banks in the U.S. and foreign countries and for surgeons interested in bone
transplantation and tissue banking.
H. Thomas Temple, MD, joined the University of Miami Tissue Bank in 1998. As a world
leader in the field of Musculoskeletal Oncology, Dr. Temple remains an enthusiastic
advocate of the proposition that clinical challenges respond to therapeutic solutions.
With a reputation for his clinical insight and medical innovation, his patient care initiatives
offer novel treatments that are unmatched in both novelty and empathy. As Chief Medical
Officer for Vivex, his assurances matching quality and safety serve as impeccable guides
to biologic product development.
In 2014, Vivex Biomedical Inc. acquired UMTB, building on UMTB’s strong history, quality,
and technology while advancing UMTB to become an industry leader in regenerative
medicine. Today, Vivex focuses on core products and new technologies to meet the
ever-growing biologic needs of surgeons and patients while continuing our 45-year history
of serving and honoring both tissue donors and recipients. Together, Vivex and UMTB
have distributed more than 2 million tissue allografts to 18 countries worldwide to better
serve the needs of patients.