Page 22 - Forthright Vivex Information Mobile - Flipbuilder Demo
P. 22

Code            Description                                      Preservation
          SPORTS MEDICINE                                                    0009            Achilles Tendon w/ Bone Block                    Fresh Frozen

                                                                             0765            Achilles Tendon w/Bone Block Irrd                Fresh Frozen

                                                                             0009S           Achilles Tendon w/ Bone Block - Sterile          Fresh Frozen
          Ligament and tendon allografts have for decades provided
          a diverse series of options for joint and sports medicine          1288            Achilles Tendon w/o Bone Block                   Fresh Frozen
          clinical applications. Non-bone tendons (tibialis, peroneus,       1532            Achilles Tendon w/o Bone Block Irrd              Fresh Frozen
          semitendinosus, gracilis), patella ligaments (whole, hemi,
          pre-shaped) and achilles tendons are all available for ankle,      1288S           Achilles Tendon w/o Bone Block - Sterile         Fresh Frozen
          wrist, shoulder, and ACL/PCL knee reconstruction.
          Minimalist processing methodologies are employed by                0332            Anterior Tibialis Tendon                         Fresh Frozen
          Vivex for sports medicine to minimize any harmful effects
          while maintaining the innate biological and biomechanical          1198            Anterior Tibialis Tendon Irrd                    Fresh Frozen
          properties associated with the tissues. Vivex provides
          options for both aseptic as well as terminally sterilized          0332S           Anterior Tibialis Tendon - Sterile               Fresh Frozen
          grafts via electron beam (E-beam) sterilization.
                                                                             0333            Posterior Tibialis Tendon                        Fresh Frozen
                                                                             1199            Posterior Tibialis Tendon Irrd                   Fresh Frozen

                                                                             0333S           Posterior Tibialis Tendon - Sterile              Fresh Frozen
                                                                             0336            Peroneus Longus Tendon                           Fresh Frozen

                                                                             1201            Peroneus Longus Tendon Irrd                      Fresh Frozen
                                                                             0336S           Peroneus Longus Tendon - Sterile                 Fresh Frozen

                                                                             1746            Gracilis Tendon                                  Fresh Frozen

                                                                             1748            Gracilis Tendon Irrd                             Fresh Frozen
                            ACHILLES TENDON
                                                                             1746S           Gracilis Tendon  - Sterile                       Fresh Frozen
                                                                             1745            Semitendinosus Tendon                            Fresh Frozen

                                                                             1747            Semitendinosus Tendon Irrd                       Fresh Frozen

                                                                             1745S           Semitendinosus Tendon - Sterile                  Fresh Frozen
                                                                             0783            Semitendinosus/Gracilis Tendon Combo             Fresh Frozen

                                                                             1200            Semitendinosus/Gracilis Tendon Combo Irrd        Fresh Frozen

                                                                             0783S           Semitendinosus/Gracilis Tendon Combo - Sterile    Fresh Frozen
                             TIBIALIS & PERONEUS TENDONS
                                                                                                           |  888.684.7783   SPORTS MEDICINE 22
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