Page 6 - Portfolio -Farah (1) (1)_Neat
P. 6
Master Plan General Information
The concept is to surround every place with This project went throw
trees and green areas, so wherever you are you five stages, the first stage
can enjoy beautiful scenes. The activities ar- was the site analysis, in this
eas are placed on the edges and the green areas stage the sun and wind di-
are like big pathway between the edges and the rection is located to help di-
building. The inspiration came from the jungle, vide the areas in the space
it’s like you are waking in a temporary jungle. .the second stage is the bub-
ble diagram were primary
Matrix decisions has been taken,
next is the functional dia-
gram where you locate and
name the spaces according
to its function, the shape
diagram is the same as the
previous stage but here the
shapes are more clear ac-
cording to this stage the
matrix is given. Finally the
master plan where every
detail is shown with ren-
dering on Photoshop.