P. 14

  Mode 3 is the built-in security offered by Bluetooth. In this mode a device can‟t even
                       connect unless it obtains permission. A link key or PIN code is used to authenticate the
                       identity of another device.

               Common Bluetooth security issues

               There are a number of ways in which Bluetooth security can be penetrated, often because there is
               little security in place. The major forms of Bluetooth security problems fall into the following


               Bluejacking  is  a  hacking  method  that  allows  an  individual  to  send  anonymous  messages  to
               Bluetooth-enabled devices within a certain radius. First, the hacker scans his surroundings with a
               Bluetooth-enabled  device,  searching  for  other  devices.  The  hacker  then  sends  an  unsolicited
               message to the detected devices. Bluejacking is also known as bluehacking.

                                                Fig.A.4.1 Bluetoothjacking

               Bluejacking exploits a basic Bluetooth feature that allows devices to send messages to  contacts
               within range.
                            Bluejacking  does  not  involve  device  hijacking,  despite  what  the  name  implies.  The
               bluejacker may send only unsolicited messages. Hijacking does not actually occur because the
               attacker never has control of the victim‟s device. At worst, bluejacking is an annoyance.


               Bluebugging is a technique that allows skilled hackers to access mobile commands on Bluetooth-
               enabled devices that are in discoverable mode. Because discoverable mode is a default setting,
               most Bluetooth-enabled mobile phones and devices are automatically vulnerable to bluebugging
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