Page 25 - Ashbourne 08-02-2021
P. 25
Programme: defining certainty
Planning application
Engagement Strategy
Statement of Community involvement
Public consultation exercises – exhibitions, online
£20 - £45k
Economic Offer
Viability appraisal S106 / CIL evidence
Disposal strategy
Liaison with LEP, HE et al over shortfall funding Outline business case for bypass
£10 - £25k
Planning Strategy
EIA Screening and Scoping
EIA Coordination
Affordable housing appraisal Community needs assessment (Evidence of marketing statement) Description of development Planning statement Socio-economic impacts - town centre effects, housing need (Crime prevention strategy) Flooding: Sequential Test flood risk
£25 - £65k
Indicative masterplan
Parameter plans
Design and access statement Landscaping strategy & plan Open space assessment
Street scenes / artists impressions 3D fly-throughs
Video renderings
Technical Assessments
Agricultural statement
Air quality assessment
Ecology assessment:
- Habitat Assessment
- Species surveys as necessary Arboricultural survey
(Equestrian statement)
Flood risk assessment (FRA)
Sustainable drainage strategy (SuDS) Ground Conditions and Geology
Heritage statement:
- Archaeology
Landscape and visual impact assessment Noise Impact Assessment
(Structural / building condition survey) Transport assessment
Utilities appraisal:
- energy – electricity (maybe gas)
- potable & waste water
- telecoms
Waste and recycling strategy Water environment assessment Parking strategy
Sustainability statement
£250k - £1.0m
Planning Application:
Full Environmental Impact Assessment Outline application, with Parameter Plans, accompanied by supporting technical evidence and Indicative Masterplan showing “one way, but not the only way” that the site could be developed