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JTI News – أخبار المعهد
The Education Sector, Holds a Celebration Ceremony
to Recognize the Employees in "Proud of You 5" Event
Under the patronage of His Excel- Jubail Technical Institute
lency the President of the Royal
Commission in Jubail Eng. Mus-
tafa Bin Mohammed Al-Mahdi
and The Education Sector at the
Royal Commission in Jubail held
its annual“Proud of You”ceremo-
ny for the fith time on Wednes-
day morning of 1 May 2019 in
in Jubail Industrial College with
the presence of over than 400
employers including the direc-
tors and deans of the sector. The
ceremony commenced with a
welcoming speech for the at-
tendees followed by a short film
about the achievements of the
sector in the year then a speech
by the sponsor of the ceremony
presenting the key role the sec-
tor has played in enhancing the
development of the country
through real investment in the
human element. He also ex-
pressed his gratitude for all the
employees of the sector for their
efforts in accomplishing ad-
ministrative and teaching tasks.
The ceremony ended in honor-
ing outstanding administrators,
retirees, scholarship returnees,
scientific researchers, holders of
world awards along with scien-
tific and academic promotions.