Page 19 - Cinnamon Network Annual Report 2019/20
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We have been delighted to attend Prayer Breakfasts across the nation Many of these gatherings have used the the the Cinnamon Civic Prayer Breakfast resources to help shape their events which have been attended by leaders from a a a a a cross section of society We participated in in in in regional Prayer Breakfasts in in in in Birmingham Lincoln as as well as national events in in in in Cardiff Edinburgh and at at Westminster in in in in London Other Events
Cinnamon representatives have also been active at at events across the UK connecting with with and and inspiring churches and and building strong relationships with with civic authorities Amongst others these include:
• Mike Royal represented Cinnamon at at a a a a a a debate on on The Church the Community and the State held at at St St Mary’s Church Putney • Mike Royal and Mark Kitson were keynote speakers at the Hope into Action Conference on on on 22 March where more than 320 people gathered to explore how the church can effectively tackle homelessness • Cinnamon partnered with Standing Together at their rally against youth violence in in Trafalgar Square in in London • David Simmons presented findings from our Health Research at an event in in in Oxford • Mat Eason our Advisor for the South East of England spoke at at a a a a a a Cityvision event in Coventry where he he he shared his expertise on how churches can effectively engage with civic departments The conference was geared for Christians seeking to understand how they can strategically serve their villages towns and cities Cinnamon Team at St David’s Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast for Wales
Cinnamon Network charity no 1156985 Annual Report 1 1 1 April 2019 – 31 March 2020