Page 4 - Microsoft Word - FlyFIT Funtional Form.docx
P. 4
Warm Up (4:30-5:00 minutes)
The Warm Up is broken into two parts: Standing and Plank. In both a Power 45 and a Classic 60, you can opt to do either Warm Up A or Warm Up B. Please note that in both, the standing portion is a set sequence that will not be repeated more than once through, but the number of reps for each step is up to the instructor.
Warm Up Option A: Standing portion
Set Up:
• Start by facing the front of the room in the center of your mat
• Legs will be in parallel; knees softly bent
Shoulder Stretch
• Sweep your right arm across your chest
• Loop your left arm under the right and pull your right arm in towards your chest
• Take an eight count to enjoy the stretch of the shoulder as you drop your left ear towards your shoulder
Side Bend
• Keeping your hips square to the front and level, lean to the left leading with your right fingertips
• Contract through your right oblique to come back to center
Start with a few Side Bends at a slower tempo then speed up to single counts
Repeat the above on the other side
Pick one of the following lunge sequence options below to warm up the lower body:
Reverse Lunges
• Pivot to face the center of the room
• Step the leg closest to the front of the room back towards the mirror
• Bend both knees and lower into a 90-degree lunge position
• Driving through the front heel, stand up as you step your back foot beside the front foot
o Full Range, stepping back and then bringing your feet back together o Pulse in your lunge keeping both feet in place
Arm Options:
o Hands on your hips
o Hands swinging from prayer to the outside of your hips
o Arms extended and swinging from the ceiling to the outside of your hips
o Elbows bent and lifted at chest height, twisting towards your front leg at the bottom of the lunge
Reverse Lunge Sequence