Page 5 - Microsoft Word - FlyFIT Funtional Form.docx
P. 5
Lunge Stretch
• Keep your back foot on the mat in the lunge position (option: lower your knee)
• Keeping your core and glutes engaged, press your hips forward and stretch through your hip flexor as
you extend your arms up and slightly back
• Bring both hands down to the mat framing your front foot and step your front foot back into a Downdog stretch
• Walk your hands back towards your feet, roll up through the spine and step back to the front of your mat to begin reverse lunges on the second side
• After side 2, Transition to Plank by drawing your shoulders forward over your wrists and lowering your hips
Lateral Lunges
• Remain facing the front of the room with your feet in parallel
• Step your right foot out wide and bend your knee as your hips shift back and over to the right side
(Left leg will be extended)
• Push off your right foot and bring your hips to center as you stand up with your feet side by side
Leg Options:
o Keep your feet wide apart and shift your weight side to side without stepping your feet back in o Isolated Pulse – keep your body to one side and pulse onto the supporting leg
Arm Options:
o Hands in prayer
o Reach the opposite hand to foot and twist your shoulders
Forward Fold
• Find an even stance with your feet closer together
• Inhale and reach both arms high
• Exhale and fold forward to open up the backs of your legs
• Option to bend and extend your knees a few times
• Walk your hands to the center of the room and transition into plank
Lateral Lunge Sequence