Page 17 - FlyFIT Glossary
P. 17

   • Lie down on your back and reach your legs towards the ceiling
• Keeping your lower back flat and your pelvis still, lower and lift both legs
o Hands can go under your pelvis / to the side of your hips / interlaced behind your head
o Lower spine modification - soften the knees o Hip modification – rotate the legs outward
       Sagittal / Front / Lower Abdominal Core
     Kneeling Lat Pulldown
  • • • •
Place the heavy band over the barre
Holding the ends in either hand, come to kneel at the far end of your mat Hinge forward 45° from the hips and reach your arms towards the barre Pull the band and draw your arms back past the outside of your hips
o V*: Thumbs up pulling down on a “V”
o Semicircle ^: Palms down pulling in a slight semi-circle
    * Sagittal Back ^ Frontal Back
     Lateral Lunge
  • Begin with your feet in parallel
• Step out to the right and bend your supporting leg as you drop your hips back
and lean slightly forward; left leg remains straight
• Bring your right foot to touch beside the left foot as you engage your glutes and drive your hips forward
o Isolate^: repeat stepping to one side only
o Alternate ^: switch stepping from right to left
o Angled Lunge#: step back/forward on a diagonal
o Lunge with Rotation#: Rotate your upper body, at the waist, towards the “stepping” leg
    ^ Frontal Lower Body #Transverse Lower Body

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