Page 2 - Perfect paragraph1
P. 2


                         I remember a year ago when I graduated. I was very happy to

                         have achieved a very important goal in my life, an experience I
                         will never forget. I had the honor of sharing with my family that

                         unforgettable day that passed through my life. I also had the

                         opportunity to meet good teachers, who knew how to lead a
                         good way and today I thank all of them for having taught me

                         many things. [I will never forget  my friends with who I shared
                         much of my life, during my life in school I met good and bad

                         friends,  but  I  learned  not  to  let  myself  be  led  by  bad

                         ways].Including at the same time I felt very sad since that day

                         and those moments I will never be able to live them again, my

                         stage in school was one of the best stages in my life and I thank
                         God and my parents for always supporting me and not leaving

                         me  alone  ever.  I  felt  very  proud  of  myself  because  with  my

                         effort  and  dedication  I  graduated  with  a  good  grade.  My
                         parents were very happy and proud of me for having fulfilled

                         this goal. Finally I will take the best memories of my life and a
                         great experience about my life and each of the moments that I

                         lived with all those people who came into my life.

                         # Words: 343

                         # Sentences: 9
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