Page 4 - Bristol Telephones FC v Gilllingham Town 110921
P. 4



       Another home game today as we welcome Gillingham Town to Stockwood. We
       hope they enjoy their visit, but not too much!

       Our last game at Odd Down was an interesting one, with probably one of the
       worst displays of refereeing we have had for some time. From the very start
       of the game the Referee failed to take control of the game and it is probably
       with thanks to the players that it was actually a pretty good game to watch.
       Some of his decisions, against both teams, left the dugouts both bemused and

       We sometimes forget how important a good ref can be in helping the match
       experience  and  as  I  say  below,  we  are  all  reliant  on  the  ref’s.  It  perhaps
       highlights the fact that the number of Referee’s is falling and to counter that
       they are perhaps getting promoted before they are ready..

       Please use the various hand gels provided and try and keep a distance from
       others around you so that you don’t get ‘pinged’ by the NHS App. With the
       Covid-19 number increasing we all know this pandemic is far from finished and
       the more sensible we are the better chance we have of completing the whole
       season this time.
       Lets hope for a well contested contest today and whatever the score,  let’s all
       enjoy the game and remember to accept the Referee’s judgement whether we
       agree or not, as with-out officials we could not play the game...

       As we all say #Up the Phones

       As always I look forward to having a drink (or two) with you all in the bar after
       (Socially distanced, of  course), and  whilst you can’t  find me  in  the kitchen
       providing tea’s, coffee’s, pasties and pies today, my replacement, Gerry will be
       pleased to see you. Go and look him up!

       Steve Watkins (President)
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