Page 9 - Patchway Town FC v Hardwicke 070423
P. 9

Ollie England - MID: Louis Gough – MID:  Joe Weare - Joe   Jay Moore -born and
       Ollie re-joined the   Another young   joins patchway after  bred in patchway jay
       club last season after  prospect for the club  spells at various clubs Moore returns to play
       a long hiatus from   in Goughy who’s calm scoring Goals for fun,  at patchway
       football. Ollie’s   and collected   his ability to put the  permanently, as he’s
       determination and   presence in the   ball in the net is not  matured so has his
       willingness to give his  middle of midfield   too questioned after  football ability and
       all for 90 minutes has  does not go unnoticed proving himself   jay’s cute footwork
       made him a club                     everywhere he’s been and footballing brain
       legend.                                               brings him in to
                                                             strengthen what’s an
                                                             already experienced
                                                             front line.

       Liam Christopher -  Hassan Hussein -   Brandon Detain -
       Liam returns to   Mr silent - never far   ATT:  Brandon returns
       football after a spell   away from the ball   after a long spell out
       not playing and   during a game and   with injury and is able
       follows a lot after his  loves it at his feet   to make something
       father in terms of   with years of football  out of nothing
       anger and hard    ahead of him has a
       tackling he brings a   real opportunity to
       lot of passion in his   make something good
       game.             in his time playing.
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