Page 32 - Bristol Premier Combination Handbook Season 2021/22
P. 32

(N) Subject to Rule 18(N)(ii), any Club found to have played an ineligible Player in
           a Competition Match or Matches where points are awarded shall have the points
           gained from that Competition Match deducted from its record, up to a maximum of
           12 points, and have levied upon it a fine (in accordance with the Fines Tariff).
              (ii)   The  Management  Committee  may  vary  the  sanction  as  relates  to  the
                   deduction of points set out at Rule 18(N)(i) only in circumstances where the
                   ineligibility  is  due  to  the  failure  to  obtain  an  International  Transfer
                   Certificate or where the ineligibility is related to the Player’s status.
              (iii)   Where a Club is found to have played an ineligible Player in accordance
                   with  Rule  18(N)(i)  above,  the  Management  Committee  may  also,  at  its
                   a)    Award the points available in the Competition Match in question to
                         the opponents, subject to the Competition Match not being ordered
                         to be replayed; or
                   b)    Levy penalty points against the Club in default; or
                   c)    Order that such Competition Match or Matches be replayed (on such
                         terms as are decided by the Management Committee).
           (O)  The  following  clause  applies  to  Competitions  involving  Players  in  fulltime
                    secondary education:-
              Priority must be given at all times to school and school organizations activities.
              Failure to comply with this Rule will result in a fine in accordance with the Fines
              (ii)   The availability of children must be cleared with the Head Teachers (except
                   for Sunday leagues competitions).
              (iii)   To play open age football the player must have achieved the age of 16
                                    CLUB COLOURS

          19. Every Club must register the colour of its shirts and shorts with the Secretary by
              30th June who shall decide as to their suitability.
              Any Club wishing to change its colours during the Playing Season must obtain
              permission from the Management Committee.
              Goalkeepers must wear colours which distinguish them from all other Players and
              the Match Officials.
              No Player, including the goalkeeper, shall be permitted to wear black or very dark
              Any  Team  not  being  able  to  play  in  its  normal  colours  as  registered  with  the
              Competition  shall  notify  its  opponents  the  colours  in  which  they  will  play

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