Page 12 - Cheltenham Saracens v FC Bristol 150923
P. 12

Introducing - FC Bristol

       Established  in  2022,  this  season  sees  a  new
       Era begin for Fc Bristol but the same heart and
       foundation  continues  to  run  through  it.  FC
       Bristol  has  taken  over  from  a  strong  and
       successful Lebeq United team, with the aim to
       propel  the  club  forward  with  a  new  and
       youthful  direction.  Last  season  the  team
       finished  mid  table  and  were  a  little
       inconsistent,  but  throughout  they  stayed
       positive. We look forward to building on that and continue to make
       strides on and off the pitch with this inner city club.

       Formed  in  1982,  Lebeqs Tavern Courage  entered  the  Bristol  &
       District Sunday League in the lower divisions, which is now the Bristol
       Premier  Sunday  League.  After  several  years  of  rapid  success  they
       reached the Premier Division in 1990, with Manager Owen Smith and
       George Philipou (Secretary).

       The  pair  strengthened  the  club,  with  Smith  bringing  his  vast
       knowledge  and  personnel  from  Semi-Professional  football  on  a
       Saturday  and  Philipou  adding  a  good  club  structure  behind  the
       scenes  to  aid  their  success.  Owen  and  George  proved  decisive  as
       ever  since.  Lebeqs  Tavern  Courage  (Sunday)  has  won  every
       competition they have entered, with the Trophy cabinet being full to
       the brim!! Only one trophy has eluded the team and that’s the FA
       Sunday Cup. Lebeqs came very close in 2007 when they were beaten
       finalists at the world famous Anfield Stadium in Liverpool.

       Lebeq United, the team was widely known throughout the Bristol
       football scene as a Sunday side. The club decided a new venture was
       needed  and  Saturday  football  offered  the  club  that  opportunity.
       Lebeq  United  FC  entered  the  Bristol  and  Suburban  Association
       Football League division three, for the start of the 2009/10 season
       under the management of Clifford Goulbourne and George Philipou
       (secretary).  The  campaign  began  well  and  it  was  not  long  before
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