Page 3 - Quad City Health Initiative Case Statement
P. 3

Over two decades, the Quad City Health Initiative has created
               and participated in community projects to promote health.

                                                               MENTAL HEALTH
                                                               Advanced the importance of integrated
                                                               physical and mental health care
                            SAFE ROUTES                                     MOON WALKS                       Reduced tobacco
                                                                                                             use by adults in
                            Encouraged students to                          Promoted physical activity through  the area
                                                                            five annual “Moon Walks”
                            walk or bike to school by
                            developing 10 Safe Routes
                            to School plans in Scott and                                  ORAL HEALTH
                            Rock Island Counties                                          Increased access to
                                                                                          oral health care

                                          WORKPLACE HEALTH

                                          Celebrated the importance of                              1999
                                          physical activity and healthy
                                          eating in dozens of workplaces
                                          through the Workplace Wellness
                                          Recognition Program

                                                     2014                                             Worked to increase
                                                                                                      the number of
                                                                                                      qualified people
                                                                                                      entering the local
                                                                                                      nursing workforce

       TODAY                                                                            Assisted 11 Rock Island County
                                                                                        school districts working to
                                                                                        improve access to healthy
                                                                                        food and beverages

                                                                               OUTDOOR ACTIVITY

                                                                               Encouraged outdoor activity with
                                                                               an interactive web-based map
                                                                      that contains
                                                                               information on over 90 area trails

                                               BE HEALTHY QC

                                               Encouraged physical activity and healthy eating with the
                                               educational campaign “Eat right. Move more.”
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