Page 13 - 2022-Spring Summer Magazine_FINAL Single_Neat
P. 13

As CEO of the 32 Soma Medical Center, P.A. practices
                                   located from Orlando to Oakland Park FL., Jackie is still
                                   pursuing her passion everyday. During the COVID-19
                                   pandemic, she helped arrange food distribution to
                                   needy families and the elderly. She actively supports the
                                   Compassion Foundation, which aids Colombian farmers
                                   to secure new homes. To date, Jackie and Soma Medical
                                   Center have donated 28 houses to families back home.

                                   Already an interesting journey, Jackie insists her story is
                                   far from complete. There is always more to do; more of her
                                   fellow men and women to help. The one constant behind it
                                   all however, has always been her heart.

                                       To learn more about Soma Medical Centers, P.A., visit

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