Page 11 - Gujarati - English Administrative eDictionary
P. 11
y yft¤u sL{u÷wk - Abortive; premature born
yft¤u sL{u÷wk ƒt¤f - Abortive child;
premature child
yfztE - Stiffness (2)Arrogance y®f[™ - Indigent; pauper; poor
yfÚt™eÞ/yfÚÞ - Inexpressible y®f[™ Œtðtu - Pauper suit
yfƒkÄ - Intact y®f[™ ™Úte yu{ Xhtððwk - Dispauper
yfƒkÄ Ëe÷ - Seal intact y®f[™ ÷tuftu™tu ðfe÷ - Pauper pleader
yfhý - Non-feasance y®f[™‚t - Pauperism; poverty; destitution
yfhtkr‚Þwk - Glutton yfef - Cornelian; agate
yf÷tí{f - Inartistic yfwŒh‚e - Unnatural; artificial
yfÕÃÞ - Inconceivable; unimaginable yfwþ÷ - Unskilled; inefficient; incompetent;
inapt; inexpert
yfËeh - Effectual;efficacious; effective
yfwþ¤‚t - Inefficiency; inaptitude;
yfËeh R÷ts - Panacea; effective remedy incompetence
yfM{t‚ - Accident; unfortunate occurrence; yf]rºt{ - Inartificial; natural; real
unforeseen event; casualty; casualities
yfurþfeÞ rAÿ - Non-capillar pore
yfM{t‚ …uxe - Accident chest
y¬z - Hard; stiff; rigid (2)Arrogant
yfM{t‚ ÷t¼ - Accident benefit
y¬z…ýwk - Rigidity; stiffness (2)Arrogance
yfM{t‚ ð¤‚h rxÙçÞw™÷ - Accident Claim
Tribunal y¬÷ - Intellect; intelligence; understanding;
yfM{t‚ ðe{tu - Accident insurance
y¬÷ne™ - Fool; stupid; senseless
yfM{t‚™tu ¼tu„ ƒ™ðwk - Meet with accident
yr¢Þ ðtÞwytu (‚f.) - Inert gases
yf¤ - Incomprehensible; inconceivable
yût‚ ð™ - Virgin forest
yf¤t{ý - Uneasiness
yût{ - Incompetent; incapable; weak;
yftŒ{e - Academy unable; inefficient
yfthý - Gratuitous; aimless; without cause; yût{ ƒ™tððwk - Incapacitate; disable
baseless; groundless; without rhyme or
reason yût{‚t - Incapability; incapacity; inability;
incompetency; inefficiency
yftƒor™f ¾t‚h - Inorganic manure
yûtBÞ - Inexcusable; unpardonable
yftƒor™f hËtÞýrð¿tt™ - Inorganic chemistry
yûtBÞ „uhntshe - Inexcusable absence
yft¤…õð ƒt¤f - Precocious child
yûth - Letter; syllable (2)Handwriting
yft¤…õð‚t - Precocity; prematurity
yûth¿tt™ - Literacy
yft¤{]íÞw - Premature death; untimely death
yûth¿tt™™wk Ätuhý - Standard of literacy
yft¤ð]Âü - Unseasonal rain