Page 212 - International Marketing
P. 212


                             214                International Marketing          BRILLIANT'S

                                 Direct mail is undeveloped where the labour is cheap and abundant
                             and where it is easy to use a sales person to make sales calls. The
                             countries with high illiteracy does not prefer this medium for promoting
                             consumer products. The U.S.  is the most developed  market for the
                             advertising medium of direct mail.
                                 6. Outdoor: Outdoor advertising is frequently used overseas because
                             of  the low cost of labour in painting and erecting posters. It includes
                             posters, bill boards, painted bulletins, roadside and store signs and electric
                             spectaculars. Impressive size and colour serves well as reminder promotion
                             for well known products for outdoor advertising. Outdoor advertising is
                             considered as free medium because an advertiser can simply place its
                             posters or any available wall, bus stop, shelter, tree or fence without any
                             payment. The practice also encourages one advertiser to replace other
                             advertiser's posters with one of its own. Outdoor advertising is very useful
                             in countries without commercial T.V. (e.g. Belgium).
                                 New technologies have added such design options as back lighting,
                             projection, Day-Glo paints, three dimensional, extensions, reflective disks,
                             bows and cutouts. Some advertisers have turned to video bill boards that
                             can show a twenty second commercial repeatedly.
                                 7. Cinema: Much like outdoor advertising, the cinema is very popular
                             advertising medium outside of the US. cinemas sell commercial time to
                             agencies or advertisers. The usual practice is for a theatre to begin its
                             program with a showing of slides of advertised products and this slide
                             show is followed by commercials. The theatre may then proceed to show
                             news reels and documentaries that may contain paid news items such as
                             a store opening. Then, just before the showing of the main feature, there
                             are short promotional films or teaser trailers of coming attractions. An
                             intermission can present another opportunity for advertising.
                                 8. Directories: Directories are books that provide listing of people,
                             professionals and institutions. The yellow page telephone directories, with
                             a list of various types of companies are a prime example. Directories may
                             be sold or given away free of cost. Because the telephone is not widely
                             available in many areas and the information is not accurate this medium
                             has been underutilized outside of the US. In some countries, governments
                             and private entities publish trade directories of local exporters and their
                                 9. Rural media: In marketing to LCDs, marketers must understand
                             the use of rural media. Mobile units, for e.g. can be sent to areas lacking
                             access to  mass media. Such vehicles can play  recorded music and
                             advertising messages over amplifiers or loudspeakers attached to vehicles
                             roof tops. A marketer can also attract an audience by arranging for some
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