Page 259 - International Marketing
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3. Special help for Poor States: The
World Bank has identified seven states to India and World Bank
provide them special aid, viz, Bihar, U.P., 1. Specific Loans
Orissa, Chhattisgarh, M.P., Rajasthan and 2. General Loan
Jharkhand. The bank has framed special pro- 3. Special help for Poor
grams for their development. States
4. Technical Assistance: World Bank 4. Technical Assistance
has provided technical assistance to India, 5. Human Development
from time to time. It has sent many expert Projects
teams to India. They gave several sugges- 6. Population Control
tions regarding their development projects. 7. Slatus
The bank has constant liaison with the 8. Help to NGOs
government of India regarding development
5. Human Development Projects: Wold Bank is assisting India in
promoting education and health through various projects, such as, Serva
Shiksha Abhiyan, etc. The bank provides financial assistance in combat-
ing diseases likes AIDS, Tuberculosis, etc. and improving drinking water
supply and sanitation.
6. Population Control: World Bank has given loans to India for ef-
fective implementation of population control programs.
7. Status: India has been a member of the Board of Executive Direc-
tors from many years. This adds to the status of India in the world.
8. Help to NGOs: World Bank has given financial assistance to many
NGOs involved in welfare activities of people, such as, health projects,
education projects, rural development projects, etc.
The criticisms with respect to India are as follows:
1. The World Bank has affected the working to planning commission
in India.
2. World Bank has promoted foreign capital investment in India for
the benefit of MNCs.
3. The dependence of India on World Bank has been increasing. It
has adversely affected India's economic freedom.
Though critics are of the view that the membership of World Bank has
endangered the economic freedom of India, but in reality, India has gained
much from the World Bank.