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BiTS is delighted to announce a new partnership with MusicGurus who provide

   music courses & training from the world's top musicians. Watch video lessons to
   improve your playing and get 1-on-1 coaching.

   MusicGurus  courses  offer  a  structured  approach  to  learning  new  styles  and
   techniques through a series of high quality video lessons. All lessons feature HD
   video & sound, as well as helpful camera angles which allow you to see exactly

   how it's played.

   You can also chat and exchange videos with artists to find out exactly what you
   need to practice next.

   Getting  valuable  feedback  from  professional  musicians  is  simple  with

   MusicGurus. Simply start a chat with a tutor of your choice to agree on a subject
   for you session, then upload a video of yourself playing. Your tutor will check out
   your playing and send a video with their feedback and tips. It's as simple as that!
   One-to-one music tuition without the hassle.

   Total freedom.

   Learn any time, anywhere. Only pay for what you use.

   MusicGurus and BiTS believe that you should only pay for what you use so we

   don't charge subscriptions. Buy lessons and personal tutoring sessions with a
   one-off payment and that's it, they're yours to watch whenever, wherever and as
   many times, as you want.

   Tutors in the blues and jazz field include Marcus Bonfanti (guitar), Matt Walklate
   (harmonica), Paddy Milner (piano), Ron Sayer (guitar) and many more. For a full

   list of tutors go HERE.

                              Click this line for a list of available courses
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