Page 16 - BiTS_01_JANUARY_2022
P. 16




                                 Roger Bromley of the Nitecrawlers (Birmingham)

    Leroy Carr

    Alongside those fabulous female blues shouters the man who did more than most to drag down-home
                                                           blues out of the camps and cotton fields and into the
                                                           city was that somewhat forgotten ivory tickler and
                                                           bluesman Leroy Carr.

                                                           A really influential pianist of those early years, Leroy

                                                           Carr’s  mellow, laid back, Hoosier style piano pointed
                                                           the way forward like a neon billboard sign on a coal
                                                           black night.

                                                           His sweet blues piano and laid back voice, backed up
                                                           by  the  jazzy  licks  of  his  guitar  partner  Scrapper
                                                           Blackwell became an early pattern for Nat King Cole,

                                                           Ray Charles, Amos Milburn and Jimmy Witherspoon,
                                                           while even Count Basie recorded some of his songs.

                                                           Leroy  Carr  was  no  typical  bluesman.  No
                                                           sharecropper out of the cotton fields, he’d been born
                                                           in  Nashville  and  raised  in  the  automobile  city  of
                                                           Indianapolis,  he  spoke  pretty  neat  and  always

                                                           dressed in a fancy suit and tie.

                                                           He’d learned to play piano as a boy but could only
                                                           play that old devil music when his mother wasn’t
                                                           around. So Leroy got itchy feet, quit school, and ran
    away from home with a travelling circus troupe, then while still underage joined the army down in

    But Leroy soon enough headed back to Indy, got himself married and found work in a meat packing

    plant. Thing was Naptown was a stopping off point  for Chicago and Detroit and Leroy took to touring
    those jumping Indiana Avenue nightspots where Slick Jimmy Collins and the Harding brothers ruled
    the roost. He got himself involved in trading a little corn whiskey and playing 88’s around the alleyway
    dives and rent parties, it sure did beat meat packing, or at least it did till that bootlegging got him a
    year down on the State Farm.

    When Leroy got out he hooked up with guitar man Scrapper Blackwell and the two of them as well as

    brewing hooch started playing music together. Blackwell’s jazzy guitar runs really complemented
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