Page 18 - BiTS_09_SEPTEMBER_2021
P. 18

BiTS INTERVIEW: Half Deaf Clatch

      Half Deaf Clatch AKA, Andrew McClatchie is a solo musician from the north of England who in the
      last few years has won a significant number of accolades for his substantial body of work. One of
      the most prolific musicians anywhere in the world, Clatch produces dozens of songs and tunes in
      his own recording space, invoking the days of pre-war blues and the ghosts of musicians of the
      past. Clatch lives in a world of ghosts, zombies, and murderers, with (creepy) clowns to the left
      and (homicidal) jokers to the right; a world of Poe and Lovecraft and Algernon  Blackwood, with

      a few added cowboys.  Ian McKenzie spoke to him on the telephone.

    BiTS: The last couple of years have been horrendous for everybody in the music business. How have
    you managed to keep your head above water, if you have?

                                                   HDC:  Yes, it’s been tough, but I’ve basically been writing
                                                    monthly little projects and releasing them on Bandcamp,
                                                    just to keep myself sane since the start of the pandemic.
                                                    It started as a one-off, but Bandcamp introduced a
                                                    Friday initiative where they waived their revenue share -
                                                  their little bit for selling stuff, their percentage for selling
                                                     stuff and they kept doing it. Every month I kept just

                                                       doing little projects and putting them on Bandcamp
                                                        for people to either download for free - name your
                                                        price or to buy a CD version of it with little bits and
                                                        pieces and thankfully, that sort of kept me sane and
                                                        kept me financially solvent for the past year which

                                                        has been excellent really.

                                                       BiTS:  It must be a lot of pressure to keep on coming
                                                     up with stuff. How do you manage to keep yourself
                                                    active? What’s the process?

                                              HDC: I’m always thinking - literally. I can’t turn my brain off,
                                              so I’ve got this backlog of ideas that range from fully formed
                                              ideas to just throwaway bits and pieces, so I literally am

                                               working on a couple of different things all at the same time
                                               and when something is ready then I go forward with it. As an
                                               example, last month and the month before, I released a sort
                                               of banjo zombie apocalypse voodoo thing that I’ve been
                                               working on for about a year, or the idea for it came about a

                                               year ago. I’m always three steps ahead in what I’m doing,
                                              thankfully, and I can’t turn my brain off like I said. I’ve got a
                                               wealth of ideas in the back of my head that I sort of call upon
                                               and develop, and then when the time is right, I release it into
                                               the world. It’s not too bad. It’s not too stressful.

                                             BiTS:  Is the one that you’re talking about ‘Severine The Voodoo


                                             HDC:  That’s the one, yes.
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