Page 7 - BiTS_06_JUNE_2024
P. 7


                                                               By Gary Grainger

                                           They say you should never meet your heroes. Well,

                                                   I met one of mine and it was wonderful. More

                                                        of that later.

                                                My first taste of Duane Eddy came when, as a

                                                 young boy in the early Sixties, we were given

                                                 an old Dansette record player and a bunch of

                                                 singles. Of course, Duane was there – ‘Peter

                                            Gunn’,  ‘Rebel  Rouser’,  (‘Dance  with  the)  Guitar

                                            Man’. These were played over & over. I don’t know
                                           where it came from, but we had a tennis racket

                                           which, as expected, filled the guitar shaped hole

                                             that I was desperate to fill.

                                                    Since  then,  I  have                                    loved

                                                      Duane’s  music                                         in

                                                               the                                         m a n y
                                                                                           forms         it    has

                                                                                         taken.           Theme

                                                                                     tunes for movies, TV

                                                                  & radio shows. Even that Eighties

                                                              collaboration  with  Art  of  Noise  –  I
                                                               was  glad  that  Duane  was  still

                                                               respected. A musician friend of mine

                                                              once mocked Duane for, apparently,

                                                             not  knowing  something  about  the

                                                              guitar strings he played. A very stern

                                                                look came from my direction.

                                                                  And yes, Duane influenced not only

                                                                  my guitar playing, but he is cited

                                                                  as  an  influence  by  many  others

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